NCCI’s greatest asset is its membership and our members’ willingness to share ideas, knowledge and expertise. For information about volunteering, please contact Amy Morgan, Program Manager at amorgan@ncci-cu.org
NCCI welcomes the innovation and collaboration of current and aspiring leaders within the profession.
Volunteering with NCCI can help you:
- Develop and refine skills to enhance current function on your campus
- Grow their professional network and build valuable connections
- Be a champion and advocate for change
- Learn more about the professional offerings of NCCI
- Obtain professional recognition
- Give back time and talents to make an impact on the NCCI community

NCCI Volunteer Engagement Model
Gain exposure to the NCCI community as a Colleague.
Anyone who is an active member of NCCI.
Time Commitment
Colleagues serve an ongoing commitment for the duration of their institution’s membership.
Engagement Examples
- Newsletter reader
- NCCI program attendees
Serve as operational support for events, workshops, and webinars as a Contributor. This role is an opportunity for members to become more familiar with NCCI through hands-on experiences.
Anyone who is an active member of NCCI.
Time Commitment
Contributors serve periodic commitments based on the engagement or program.
Engagement Examples
- Event, session, or webinar host
- Conference welcome staff
- Timekeeper at conference sessions
Share expertise at events, workshops, and webinars as a Connector.
A recognized professional with a deep understanding of a particular area or topic.
Time Commitment
Connectors serve periodic commitments based on the engagement or program.
Engagement Examples
- Webinar facilitator or moderator
- Event or webinar speaker or panelist
Provide guidance and advice within an area of NCCI as a Collaborator.
A NCCI member willing to support a program committee’s efforts.
Time Commitment
Collaborators serve a year-long commitment, typically from September through August.
Engagement Examples
- Annual Conference Committee Member
- Membership & Outreach Committee Member
- Professional Development Committee Member
- Volunteer Development Committee Member
Provide guidance and advice regarding the overall activities and organization of NCCI as a Catalyst.
A NCCI member with at least one-year experience on a committee or community of practice.
Time Commitment
Catalysts serve a two-year commitment.
Engagement Examples
- Vice Chair of a Committee: Annual Conference, Membership & Outreach, Professional Development, or Volunteer Development
- Chair of a Committee: Annual Conference, Membership & Outreach, Professional Development, or Volunteer Development
Contribute to the strategy and overall interests of NCCI as a Champion.
A NCCI member committed to advancing the Association’s strategies, finances, and governance to further enhance the community and lead the future of NCCI.
Time Commitment
Champions serve a three-year commitment, with potential for a second term.
Engagement Examples
- NCCI Board Member